Oct 27, 2018
Original release May 15, 2014.
Encore release October 27, 2018.
Encore release July 20, 2017.
We interview Linda Stephens, co-plaintiff (along with Susan Galloway) in the recent Supreme Court case Greece v. Galloway, in which the court ruled that prayer--even sectarian, predominantly Christian prayer--before city council meetings does not violate the Constitution. Several secular groups have already launched compaigns in response, and at least one Satanist has offered to provide the invocation at a city council meeting in Florida.
More bad news for separation of church and state. The Massachussetts Supreme Judicial Court has ruled that "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance at public schools does not violate the Constitution.
Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy "10 Commandments" Moore believes the Constitution is only for Christians anyway.
Finally, if you're in Atlanta June 21-22, check out the Atlanta Coalition of Reason's Summer Solstice Launch Weekend!