Jan 27, 2019
I interview Monica Miller, Senior Counsel for the American Humanist Association. Ms. Miller will be representing AHA before the Supreme Court in February, arguing that the 94-year-old, four-story-high "Peace Cross" in Bladensburg, Maryland is an unconstitutional endorsement of Christianity by the government. For more...
Jan 13, 2019
I interview Dan Barker about his latest book Mere Morality. Dan is co-president (with wife Annie Laurie Gaylor) of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, and co-host with her of the weekly show Freethought Radio.
For ambitious readers, here are the other books mentioned during the course of the conversation:
Jan 1, 2019
American Freethought is back to continue the fight for separation of church and state, reason-based living and secular culture! Find out why we're back and what to expect in the coming weeks.
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