Nov 30, 2021
From Pepe the Frog to the kidding-not-kidding white power hand sign, conservatives are increasingly using "humor" and weird "inside jokes" to spread hate-speech, bigotry, and violent threats. The latest tiresome fad is the phrase "Let's Go Brandon," which is a not-so-thinly-veiled substitute for the more blunt "Fuck...
Nov 16, 2021
I interview Duquesne law professor Bruce Ledewitz about his new book The Universe Is on Our Side: Restoring Faith in American Public Life. Bruce is a secularist who nonetheless proposes that the current societal crisis in America (and perhaps the entire Western world) is rooted in the aftermath of what Neitzsche...
Nov 2, 2021
I interview David G. McAfee about his new book Hi, I'm an Atheist!: What That Means and How to Talk About It with Others.
Buy a copy of Hi, I'm an Atheist! for yourself.
For more about David, follow him on Facebook.
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