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Welcome to American Freethought, an atheist podcast hosted by John C. Snider. If you'd like to support the podcast, you can send funds via PayPal to

Nov 30, 2021

From Pepe the Frog to the kidding-not-kidding white power hand sign, conservatives are increasingly using "humor" and weird "inside jokes" to spread hate-speech, bigotry, and violent threats. The latest tiresome fad is the phrase "Let's Go Brandon," which is a not-so-thinly-veiled substitute for the more blunt "Fuck...

Nov 16, 2021

I interview Duquesne law professor Bruce Ledewitz about his new book The Universe Is on Our Side: Restoring Faith in American Public Life. Bruce is a secularist who nonetheless proposes that the current societal crisis in America (and perhaps the entire Western world) is rooted in the aftermath of what Neitzsche...

Nov 2, 2021

I interview David G. McAfee about his new book Hi, I'm an Atheist!: What That Means and How to Talk About It with Others.

Buy a copy of Hi, I'm an Atheist! for yourself.

For more about David, follow him on Facebook.

Theme music courtesy of Body Found.

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