Oct 29, 2018
Original release June 15, 2014.
Encore release October 29, 2018.
Encore release July 22, 2017.
Congressman Louie "Don't Cast Aspersions on My Asparagus" Gohmert has a long history of saying ridiculous things. His latest blatherment occurred during the recent Judiciary Committee hearing on "The State of Religious Liberty in the United States," in which we wasted precious time nitpicking the flavor of Barry Lynn's Christianity. Rev. Lynn is both an ordained minister and <gasp!> head of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. Apparently Gohmert a) doesn't like that a supposed Christian like Lynn should be advocating for religious freedom and b) doesn't think that Lynn is an authentic Christian if he doesn't believe exactly as Gohmert does. Of course, Lynn's personal religious beliefs are largely immaterial (or should be) when it comes to support of the Constitution.
In Valent v Board of Review, a New Jersey court has ruled that a hospital's policy of allowing only religion-based objections to employee vaccinations violates the Constitution. While this is a victory for neutrality with respect to religion, it fails to resolve the question of whether nonsensical (but otherwise secular) anti-vax objections should be allowed.
Sigh. Neil deGrasse Tyson's reboot of COSMOS has come to an end. Nonetheless, it'll be available on disk and will likely enjoy a long life in reruns.
Plus: The Baseball Bat of Doubt and other listener feedback.
Finally, if you’re in Atlanta June 21-22, check out the Atlanta Coalition of Reason’s Summer Solstice Launch Weekend!