Aug 28, 2018
Original release January 7, 2012.
Encore release August 28, 2018.
Encore release May 21, 2017.
We'd barely shouted "Happy New Year!" when 2012's first religious controversy reared its ugly head. In this case, Cee Lo Green changed the lyrics to John Lennon's classic "Imagine" during the NBC broadcast.
Tim Tebow has been catching a lot of flak lately over his pious kneeling on the football field. The Baltimore Ravens' Terrell Suggs has mocked him; Bill Maher has posted insulting tweets; and Saturday Night Live took a good-natured jab at how much Tebow loves him some Jesus.
Not everyone is amused at the Tebowing blowback, including CBN host Pat Robertson, who decries the anti-Christian bigotry that's run amok in America.
And Pat Robertson knows what he's talking about. Why, God Himself has been talking to Robertson, sharing with him (among other things) secret knowledge of who's going to win the 2012 presidential election.
Finally, we take a look at the latest overblown "medical miracle" touted by the mainstream media. In this case, college student Sam Schmid miraculously emerged from his coma as he was being readied for organ donation. Only, he wasn't being readied for organ donation, and the miracle occurred because of the best efforts of a world-renowned neurologist who thought the boy would make it.
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December 20, 2011. Hosted by John C. Snider and David Driscoll.